Comprehensive sexuality education
May 25, 2021
Comprehensive sexuality education provides scientifically accurate information that equips young people with the knowledge to make informed decisions to protect their health. CSE also dives deep into the personal and social aspects of sexuality, and is among the promising practices that contribute to a gender-transformative approach to preventing CEFMU. The Child, Early, & Forced Marriages & Unions and Sexuality Working Group convened representatives from civil society and philanthropy to discuss their experiences, insights and recommendations for implementing CSE, including as a means for preventing CEFMU.
Elizabeth Amondi Okumum, Trust for Indigenous Culture and Health (TICAH) of Kenya; Rosalba Karina Crisóstomo, Comunidad de Lesbianas Inclusivas Dominicanas (COLESDOM) of the Dominican Republic; Nargiza Nurlan Kyzy, National Federation of Female Communities (NFFCK) of Kyrgyzstan; Eunice Garcia, Youth Coalition for Sexual and Reproductive Rights; Tamara Kreinin, The David and Lucile Packard Foundation; Moderated by Manak Matiyani, The YP Foundation of India